Monday, December 14, 2009

psych premid pointers

Gestalt approach emphasizes that perception is more than the sum of its parts.
Functionalism approach was founded by William James who focuses on the functions and goals of the mind
Humanistic approach emphasizes that each individual has great freedom in directing his or her future.
Observation method in gathering information by looking at certain behavior and attempting to explain it by
studying it in detail, recording it and finding patterns.
In Standardized Test, entrance examination is an example of this method.
John B, Watson was an American psychologist who published a landmark paper in 1913 titled “Psychology as a Behaviorist Views It”.
Structuralism approach analyzes sensations as the key to analyzing the structure of the mind.
It occurs when the chromatids fall to separate during meiosis, one germ cell having both chromosomes of the
pair and others, none
Variability means that the rate of development differs from one person to another.
Mongoloid idiocy is a chromosomal anomalies resulted by nondisjunction during meiosis.
Predictability states that sequence in maturation is more expected than rates of maturation.
In Limitation, maturation sets the limits on learning.
This principle variation adheres that no two individuals are exactly alike not even identical twins.
The principle reproduction states that the same specie produce of its kind.
Varialbility principle of development that different persons differ in terms of rate of development.
Babyhood stage begins in the end of the period of infancy until the end of the second year of life.
Dominance and recessiveness focuses the phenotype and genotype of what one receive from
his/her biological parents.
In Late adolescence stage that the child has attained certain degree of social status in school and at home
Middle age stage that both men and women experienced the “pause” or cessation in reproductive functioning
Early Childhood is regarded as the “smart age” stage of development.
Adaptability is the ability of reacting to particular stimulus.
The ability to become used to specific stimulus
They are embedded in the muscles, tendons and joints.
Sense organs that can be found in the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin and are responsive to
external stimulus.
Neurons that connects impulses within the nervous system.
It is the capacity of the muscle to be in fractional contraction.
It is the capacity of the muscle to resume its original shape / position.
The capacity of the muscles to stretch.
The following are example of exocrine glands sex glands, salivary and gastric
The following are examples of muscles cardiac or heart, voluntary and involuntary.
The second element in the definition of psychology is the mind which refers to both conscious and unconscious
mental state
The goal of psychology which is to explain how organisms behave certain situations.
Heredity is the transmission of qualities/ traits from the biological parents from their offspring through the
Behaviorism is an approach that emphasizes the objective, scientific analysis of observable behavior.
Behavioral approach analyzes how organisms learn new behavior or modify existing ones,
depending on whether events in their environment rewards or punish these behaviors.
Experiment is a method for identifying cause-and-effect relationships by following a set of rules and guidelines.
The male gonads are called testes
Visual agnosia is manifested in the inability to discriminate or recognize the form of objects.
If the sperm contains an X chromosome, the fetus gets the X plus one X from the mother, the
result is female
If the sperm contains a Y chromosome, the fetus gets Y plus X from the mother; the result is male
Turner’s syndrome occurs only in females
Early Adolescence stage of development characterized by strong emotion and curiosity about sex
Klinefelter syndrome occurs only male
In Old Age or Senescence, the person experiences regression in terms of physical health and
returned to childish behaviors.
Total number of chromosomes of Turner syndrome is 47
Late adolescence stage of development is portrayed with greater stability, the impulsiveness of emotions has
gradually tone down.
The XX for females and XY for males are called gonosomes
In Gestalt approach, the three German psychologists discovered apparent motion in their experiment of flashing light
The egg cells are considered as the largest cells in the body
The nervous system is the intricate arrangement of all highly specialized cells of the body.
Conductivity is the ability to carry out nerve impulses.
Endocrine glands are called ductless glands.
Neuron is the vital conducting unit of the nervous system.
Homeostasis is the tendency of the body to sustain and maintain its natural balance.
Down’s syndrome may be the result of nondisjunction.
Klinefelter’s syndrome is having XYY chromosomes.
Two weeks after fertilization, the fertilized egg or ovum is now called embryo.
Motor neurons direct impulses to the nervous system.
Nondisjunction happens when a broken piece of the chromosome may get lost and deletion occurs in one chromosome.

Points of Reflection

“The child is the father of the man”

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